Skip Trace Service
Skip tracing services by one of the region’s top skip tracing companies.

Skip Tracing Services Performed by Experienced Skip Tracers
Our competitive advantage is speedy service performed by experts in all aspects of skip trace work. If you’re trying to locate a person, we’ve got the right proven solutions for delivering skip tracing services for Wyoming and specific locations in Colorado.
PSWI skip trace personnel is available to perform the search and investigations necessary that give you the exact data and information needed.
When you need skip trace services, call the best at PSWI. We’re experts in collecting all possible data and personal details regarding your subject being investigated or served.
Professionalism • Excellent Customer Service • Fast

PSWI offers skip tracing services in Colorado and Wyoming. We fast and work by-the-book to bring you the best service in the industry.
Professional Skip Tracing Services
PSWI professional methodologies used include many proven methods such as:
- Searching records including phone number research
- Searching public databases
- Utilizing many sources for background checks
- Scouring and researching local utility bills
- Using credit history documents and credit intelligence data
- Searching vehicle registrations
➢ In addition to the above, we use other proprietary skip tracing techniques and methods. Our company and processes are based on over forty years of experience in the skip tracing process. When you call PSWI, you’re calling the best in the business.
The PSWI expert skip tracing personnel and associates have over forty years of experience in the skip trace process business. If the person searched for is not found at the recorded address or has “skipped” town, give us the opportunity to track them down for you.
Whether by social media, through friends and family or through other professional and ethical methods at our disposal, our company starts with what clients need to accomplish, and then will launch the investigation.
➢ Through various public registration forms—such as phone, credit cards, utility companies and more, experts can track people across the U.S.A.
Skip Trace Services Done By-the-Book
Trained staff skip tracers have a thorough understanding of the laws dictating individual privacy, so clients have no need to concern themselves with potential backlash based on invasive methods. Through our efficient system, skip tracers track every step of the tracing process and use only the legally acceptable procedures to locate a person of interest.
With the prominence of internet transactions and interaction these days, there is always a legitimate trail to follow using publicly available sources and databases.
There also are a variety of databases in public records for pursuing this search process. Generally outsourcing your skip trace services saves time and problems down the road. PSWI skip tracers know how to properly navigate available information to discover the most relevant information in the most efficient and effective ways.
Many people associate skip tracing with creditors and debt collectors, but this service is applicable to many situations. Many potential defendants, witnesses or others involved in a case will do anything to avoid being tracked. Our skip tracers have experience locating these individuals so that they can be properly served.
PSWI’s experienced process servers are completely dedicated to you and your case, and we will not risk your success for the sake of one person.